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Frequently Asked Questions
UK Skilled Worker Visa
What are the eligibility requirements for the UK Skilled Worker Visa?
How can I apply for the UK Skilled Worker Visa?
Does the UK Skilled Worker Visa lead to permanent residency?
Can I switch to a UK Skilled Worker Visa from another visa category?
Can I bring my family to the UK on a Skilled Worker Visa?
What is the minimum salary requirement for the UK Skilled Worker Visa?
Are there any restrictions on the type of work I can do with a Skilled Worker Visa?
How long is the UK Skilled Worker Visa valid?
What happens if I lose my job while on a Skilled Worker Visa?
Can I change employers while on a UK Skilled Worker Visa?
UK Work Visa Network - Candidates
How do I keep my profile active on the Network?
What does 'credentials' in my profile mean?
Am I eligible with less than three years of experience?
What are 'employer views' on my profile?
Does rejecting job offers affect my Network standing?
Why is the 'submit application' button inactive?
What does the default availability date mean?